Friday, July 14, 2006

How to Cut Foreign Oil Useage By 20%

Number of barrels of oil saved if automakers updated mileage standards to "real world" driving conditions, according to a new report: 710 million

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Political Party Agendas Summarized

Democratic Agenda: Help me help you

Republican Agenda: Help me fuck you

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bush Celebrates Fourth Largest Deficit In History

Today, the Office of Management Budget projected a $296 billion federal deficit for fiscal year 2006. Bush held a press conference arguing that this is a vindication of his economic policies.

Actually, it would be the fourth largest deficit of all time. Here’s the top five:

1. 2004 (George W. Bush) $413 billion
2. 2003 (George W. Bush) $378 billion
3. 2005 (George W. Bush) $318 billion
4. 2006 (George W. Bush) $296 billion (projected)
5. 1992 (Geroge H. W. Bush) $290 billion

When President Bush came into office, he inherited a surplus of $284 Billion. At that time, the Bush administration predicted a $516 billion surplus for 2006.

The fact that Bush now considers a $296 billion deficit an occasion to celebrate shows how far we’ve fallen.

Of course this $296 billion number is complete bunk. The unified budget deficit was projected by the CBO to be $336 billion this year. Now they say it will be $296 billion.

There will be a projected $180 billion surplus in Social Security this year that they will "borrow" that doesn't count against the deficit number, meaning the CBO projected on-budget deficit is actually around $480 billion.

The supplemental request this year is around $107 billion. That pushes the real deficit to around $587 billion -- which is around what Bush and the Republicans have averaged since they got a lock on power, leading to $2.6 trillion in new debt so far. This, after we were running actual, on-budget surpluses which were reducing the debt.

And Bush is proud of this???

What a fool.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Illogical Midset Of George W. Bush

George W. Bush on Larry King Live:

"It's easy to lose resolve if you made decisions based upon polls. If you make decisions based upon what you believe in your heart of hearts, you stay resolved. And what we're doing is hard. But what we're doing is going to make this country more secure. And what we're doing is going to lay that foundation for peace."

Check out that false dichotomy: choices based on polls or choices based on beliefs. It's a rather amazing reflection of this guy's mindset that he never even bothers to try to assert that he makes decisions based on facts...probably because he NEVER does.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Does Anyone Else See The Irony??

Does anyone else see the irony of President Bush declaring every Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace after he involved the US in an unnecessary war in Iraq based on lies with no exit plan and he refuses to even discuss the criteria for when the war will actually end.

Bush: Osama who??

The CIA unit dedicated to hunting Osama Bin Laden was closed late last year. “Michael Scheuer, a former senior C.I.A. official who was the first head of the unit, said the move reflected a view within the agency that Mr. bin Laden was no longer the threat he once was. Mr. Scheuer said that view was mistaken.”