Reality of It All

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Is Iraq Full of Republicans?

They waste time on nonsense while the country is falling down around them...

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's temporary new national flag was raised over the country's parliament for the first time on Tuesday, trumpeted by the government as a break with the past and a step towards reconciliation.
Fixing the violence, daily bombings, electicity, sewers, jobs, infastructure? Anybody? Nope didn't get it done but we got a new flag. Ridiculous.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

White House Cites ‘Experience From September 11th’ To Justify Staying In Iraq

In today’s White House press briefing, spokeswoman Dana Perino tried to justify President Bush’s escalation in Iraq by stating, “The terrorists that are seeking a safe haven in Iraq, if we were to leave, would find one, just like they had one in Afghanistan.” When reporter Helen Thomas asked how she knows that statement is true, Perino replied, “Well, based on experience from September 11th, that’s how we know it.”

Ms. Perino was probably not saying that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. What I believe she means is that allowing a post-Saddam Iraq to become a haven for Al Qaeda-like terrorists, as Afghanistan was before 9/11, would pose a significant danger to the U.S. and the West. the best of our knowledge that is WRONG. A new survey of military and diplomatic analysts concludes that “the likelihood that enemy combatants from Iraq might follow departing U.S. forces back to the United States is remote at best.”

But let's assume it is in the US interest to fight terrorism in Iraq and I believe it is as there were no terrorists to speak of before the US got there. It's sort of our responsibility to help.

The problem is that the US staying in Iraq is what is breeding more new terrorists by the day. Heck according to al Qaeda messing with Iraq in Gulf War I was a primary reason they gave for attacking on 9/11. So what Bush is doing is ass backwards as always.

Hillary Clinton's statements that as president she would keep **some** troops in Iraq to battle Al Qaeda if needed makes MUCH more sense. Removing most or all of the US troops would remove the reason the terrorists are in Iraq. There are very few terrorists in Iraq and most of the violence is due to civil war insurgents but if Iraq requested our help to limit the terrorism I see no reason not to grant them a reasonable level of assistance...but most of the US troops should be redeployed. It's hurting having US troops in Iraq, more than it is helping. If 9/11 taught us's that.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Apparently, the US Is NOT Occupying Iraq

The Bush administration responded with shock to King Abdullah’s declaration that the U.S. is “illegitimately” occupying Iraq. “We were a little surprised to see those remarks,” said Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns. White House spokesman Dana Perino claimed, “It is not accurate to say that the United States is occupying Iraq.”

Hmmm...The US is not occupying Iraq. That's interesting. In related news.

Black is white.
Water isn't wet.
The sky isn't blue.
The sun rises in the west.
And you're not really reading this.

From the novel 1984:

The Ministry of Truth -- Minitrue, in Newspeak -- was startlingly different from any other object in sight. It was an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white concrete, soaring up, terrace after terrace, 300 metres into the air. From where Winston stood it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the Party:




Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Fox News "Mentality"

There is a portion of America (sadly) that will not watch or read real news about things that actually effect them. These are unfortunately the same people that buy the National Enquirer, People magazine, and Cosmo every week religiously. They do this to escape reality which is very complicated sometimes. Reality and the need to actually think about the unpleasant, especially when it goes against their pre-conceived ideas, scares them. Fox news puts everything into a good and evil column without drumming up complicated it attracts these same National Enquirer, People magazine, and Cosmo folks.The dumbing down of America is happening at an alarming rate.

Now back to something important that really effects my life...Next on Fox News a crazy astronaut lady pissed herself on the way to Florida to kill a romantic rival...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Another Bushbot Reality Bubble Moment

Apparently the GOP assclowns that still support our White House disaster monkey think it's just dandy to fire US Attorneys because they are investigating members of their party, or because they aren't investigating enough people of the other party.

The rest of us call this obstruction of justice and abuse of power.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Crows Moved And the Scam Went On

Where I grew up there was a lot of development going on. New homes, businesses and roads were being put in. The fact they were being built mostly in an area that had been polluted with chemicals and garbage for the previous 70 years seemed to be well ignored by most. Heck as kids we used to throw pebbles at rocks close to the ground and watch it spark and the ground would burst into flames. I remember they tried to put up a fence to keep people out of the more polluted areas. They put up a fence alright...they put it up about 8 times by my count and each time the ground would eat through the metal fence posts and the fence would fall over.

Eventually they gave up.No one with any sense thought anyone would care about this land because it was essentially useless if you liked breathing and not glowing in the dark. But then came the politicians...

The land was cleaned up enough to make it look presentable. All the garbage heaps, old tires, and abandoned cars were removed but then they made the mistake of chopping the trees down. Crows had been living in this area of town pretty much undisturbed for decades. There were 10's of thousands of them.Sure roads and buildings are nice but the land is still polluted and NOW all these crows needed a home and they found one.

They went to Churchville, the next town over, they crapped everywhere, chased animals and people, ate out of and made a mess out of all the garbage cans in town and were a general nuisance. The people yelled, the mayor gave speeches, the town council met and they decided to hire a guy who handled situations like this by using dogs and small explosives to drive the crows away. It worked and the crows left.

They went to Waterville, the next town over, they crapped everywhere, chased animals and people, ate out of and made a mess out of all the garbage cans in town and were a general nuisance. The people yelled, the mayor gave speeches, the town council met and they decided to hire a guy who handled situations like this by using dogs and small explosives to drive the crows away. It worked.

They went to my town, they crapped everywhere, chased animals and people, ate out of and made a mess out of all the garbage cans in town and were a general nuisance. The people yelled, the mayor gave speeches, the town council met and they decided to hire a guy who handled situations like this by using dogs and small explosives to drive the crows away.

And so it went and still goes to this day. The crows every year from one town to the next and then back again.

Sometimes I think about the crows, my town, Waterville, and Churchville and the stupid politicians developing useless land when I see these "troop surges" to clean up towns of insurgents and I wonder how many years they'll be pushing crows around in Iraq. The people feel powerless, the mayors like it because they look like they're doing something, and the guy moving the crows around keeps making a fortune every year for something that's never going to end.

Was it all worth the money and aggravation that the crows caused? If only they thought about the long term problems before hand and not the short term $$$ the politicians put in their pockets, none of this ever would have happened. Sort of sounds like Iraq huh?

Anyone want to buy some vacant buildings on polluted land covered in crow shit? How about a $500 million embassy in the middle of a civil war torn nation? If so I know where you can go to get both.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Did the White House Send Reuters The Info For This Article?

White House trades new weapons to support troops

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House plans to shift $3.2 billion in defense spending -- partly from new weapons like the Lockheed Martin Corp. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter -- to support troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, a trade publication reported on Monday.

In a letter to Congress detailing revised plans for its fiscal 2007 emergency wartime spending request, the White House said it would reduce spending on three aircraft programs by $923 million, freeing up money for armor kits and transport vehicles needed by U.S. troops.

What a crock of shit!!!

So let me get this straight either the assclowns that currently occupy the White House fucked up and didn't allocate enough funds for armor kits and transport vehicles in Iraq they should have KNEW they were going to need so they're shifting funds to cover their ass now OR they always intended to shift the funds and never buy the aircraft in the hopes some asshole reporter would be fooled by this obvious pandering for PR from the WH. God does it ever stop with this White House? They're nothing but friggin' low life scum.