Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Did the White House Send Reuters The Info For This Article?

White House trades new weapons to support troops

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House plans to shift $3.2 billion in defense spending -- partly from new weapons like the Lockheed Martin Corp. F-35 Joint Strike Fighter -- to support troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, a trade publication reported on Monday.

In a letter to Congress detailing revised plans for its fiscal 2007 emergency wartime spending request, the White House said it would reduce spending on three aircraft programs by $923 million, freeing up money for armor kits and transport vehicles needed by U.S. troops.

What a crock of shit!!!

So let me get this straight either the assclowns that currently occupy the White House fucked up and didn't allocate enough funds for armor kits and transport vehicles in Iraq they should have KNEW they were going to need so they're shifting funds to cover their ass now OR they always intended to shift the funds and never buy the aircraft in the hopes some asshole reporter would be fooled by this obvious pandering for PR from the WH. God does it ever stop with this White House? They're nothing but friggin' low life scum.

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