Monday, March 12, 2007

Don't Get Fooled Again

The really sad part of all this is that IF the neocons who pushed, exaggerated, manipulated and lied to get this war cared about their country in the LONG TERM and not just filling their pockets with $$$ in the SHORT TERM none of this would have happened. These are some very evil people who think of little more than making money no matter who or what they have to step on to do it. Morals, patriotism, and compassion for their fellow man are things they consider a weakness. Any one who supported or still supports this war basically supported making a bunch of super rich people more rich at the expense of themselves, their family, and their country. Some would say the aftermath of the invasion was poorly planned. I say the people who brought you this unnecessary war planned it out very well. The longer this "war" goes the richer they get. And in 20 or 30 years, when people forget, they'll try it again. Vietnam was essentially the same thing as Iraq. A waste for American tax payers that made a bunch of rich guys even richer. Don't get fooled again.

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