Sunday, October 02, 2005

Your Tax Dollars at Work....

91,000 tons of ice to cool food, medicine and victims of Katrina costing taxpayers over $100 Million, most of it never delivered.

Cheney: How long will it be before we hear that Hallibuton received those NO BID ice storing contracts?

Bush: Did they lose the recipe for ice? That's some tricky stuff. Makin' ice is hard work.

Brownie: It's everyone else's fault but mine.

Frist: Quick sell my ice related stocks...but keep it quiet.

DeLay: You need someone to money launder that $100 million? I know some guys.

Rove: It's Clinton's fault and the fault of all these undercover CIA agents whose names are...

Rumsfeld: We know where the ice trucks are. They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat. Oh wait I already used that comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


How about....

Paul Wolfowitz: It is a fact that the water currently in New Orleans could be used to meet the ice needs there for years to come. No additional ice from the American taxpayer will be needed.

Karen Hughes: The ice DID get there. I saw it.

Phil Gramm: I have more ice than I need and less ice than I want.

Bill Bennett: I bet some blacks stole it.

Every brain-dead, right-wing wacko: The ice would've gotten there if Clinton didn't gut the national freight system.