Saturday, February 25, 2006

On the UAE Port Deal

It doesn't matter what foreign country we are talking about (UAE, Canada, UK, Iran, etc), no foreign country should ever have control of our sea ports, airports, nuclear facilities, or any other area of national security interest. It's absolutely unacceptable.

Only 5% of all shipping containers are inspected that come into this country and air freight is really NEVER inspected. Think about that.

Bush likes to say "9/11 changed everything". Not from where I sit. Whether the UAE "gets" these ports or not we'll have the same criminally negligent port security we've always had and that's the REAL problem.

While we're told we're supposed to invade countries without cause, torture prisoners, surrender civil liberties, and get spied on illegally by our government, all in the name of "national security", Bush and his GOP cronies don't think pesky things such as "national security" should get in the way of commerce. Especially with some of Bush's best Middle Eastern pals who have links to terrorism.

Our current government is FAILING miserably on the issue of national security (and every other issue I can think of) to make a quick buck and something needs to be done. Getting rid of the GOP Congress in '06, that sat on their ass doing nothing about this issue for 10 years, would be a good start.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Some Thoughts on How to Address the Poverty Issue in This Country

There are many steps that can be taken to cure the ills of poverty. Some of them that quickly come to mind are:

Raising the minimum wage and at the very least keep raises in the minimum wage tied to inflation. (even though that number is usually wrong) The US minimum wage hasn't been raised in over a decade and even then it wasn't keeping up with inflation. Our goal shouldn't be to push people to minimum wage jobs but for those that need them they should be able to reasonably live on such a wage. There is little incentive for someone to drive to work if it costs more in gas to get to work than you make in wages when you get there.

Something like "work-centric (bank?) accounts" could be created that match the savings of low-income families THAT ARE WORKING. Folks on Welfare would lose so much in benefits by TRYING to work that there is no incentive to try. For instance taking a minimum wage job and losing all your health benefits when you have children is dangerous for the kids and in the end a foolish decision. And that shouldn't be the case. Incentive to work and not punishing those that do is essential.

Government funding could be provided to high school graduates for college tuition and books as long as the students agree to work while in college. Many that make it to college are on a work program already. A government matching of their salaries or even a FICA and/or tax exemption would help these kids tremendously and would reap benefits for the society as a whole down the road. Sure these are tax cuts, but they are tax cuts that HELP the poor and the lower middle class, NOT the rich...who don't "need" the money.

Education, incentivizing people to work, and making a culture of work ethic will put this country on the right track again. The fact is poverty has gotten worse EVERY YEAR of the Bush presidency because education is becoming less affordable, there is less incentive to work, wages have stagnated/dropped, and more people have been given less an incentive to work.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bush Making Facts Based on Decisions

President Bush likes to sell his tax cuts for the rich by saying, “We want our families to have more money in their pocket.”

And the White House reported in August 2004, “Real after-tax incomes are up 11 percent since December 2000.”

But Bush’s economic statistics have no basis in reality. The Federal Reserve Board reported today that the “average income of American families, after adjusting for inflation, declined 2.3% in 2004 compared with 2001.”

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Too Many Lies...

"None in the hunting party was drinking alcohol, said the owner, Katharine Armstrong. 'No, zero, zippo and I don’t drink at all,' she said. 'No one was drinking.'"
-- Scripps Howard News Service, 2/13/06


"[Armstrong] says she was not sure if there were beers in the coolers but wasn't ready to rule it out: 'There may be a beer or two in there, but remember not everyone in the party was shooting,' she told NBC News."
-- MSNBC, 2/14/06


"Armstrong had told CNN she never saw Cheney or Whittington 'drink at all on the day of the shooting until after the accident occurred, when the vice president fixed himself a cocktail back at the house.'"
-- Editor and Publisher, 2/15/06

Monday, February 13, 2006

Bush's Oil Giveaway to Obscenely Cash-Rich Oil Companies

Yes everyone it's really happening...AGAIN. A HUGE giveaway to the oil companies at the taxpayers' expense.

The federal government is on the verge of one of the biggest giveaways of oil and gas in American history, worth an estimated $7 billion over five years.

New projections, buried in the Interior Department's just-published budget plan, anticipate that the government will let companies pump about $65 billion worth of oil and natural gas from federal territory over the next five years without paying any royalties to the government.

Based on the administration figures, the government will give up more than $7 billion in payments between now and 2011. The companies are expected to get the largest, known as royalty relief, even though the administration assumes that oil prices will remain above $50 a barrel throughout that period.

Hmm, the "9-11 changed everything" excuse won't fly here. I wonder what they'll try instead. What will our OIL president say when asked about this other than the obvious "ummmmmmm...uh...err..."?

Remember when you're filling up the gas tank of your car next time, you paid for that gasoline TWICE.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Bush is Such an Arrogant Fool

Seven-year cost of private Social Security accounts, which President Bush slipped into the 2007 budget this week: $712 billion

What gaul! What a friggin sneak! The American people and the Congress already gave a resounding NO to this "plan". Maybe he missed the standing ovation Congress gave the sinking of that scheme during his State of the Union speech?

Imagine trying AGAIN to tell people you're going to be spending $700 billion of their dollars to cut their SS benefits when they already said no.

I don't think that's going to fly too well do you?

I believe the American people are going to tell ol' Dubya to fuck off and don't stop fucking off for quite some time...AGAIN.

Worst President EVER.

There Are No Excuses....

left for supporting the Bush administration.

Court documents filed by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald reveal that I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, "told a grand jury that he was authorized by his 'superiors' to disclose classified information to reporters."

hmmmm...superiors with an "S" at the end. Now if you think about it Libby (the ex-chief of staff of the VP) only had TWO superiors...Cheney...and Bush.

The great protectors of our country were so concerned about covering their lies about Iraq they were willing to pass out ***highly classified*** information to reporters. This is a major news story.

You would have had to be profoundly foolish and naive to be supporting the Bush administration BEFORE this. Now? If you're still supporting these people now you're absolutely retarded.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Gonzales is as Stupid as His Boss

"President Washington, President Lincoln, President Wilson, President Roosevelt have all authorized electronic surveillance on a far broader scale."

Alberto Gonzales 2/6/06

Really? Electronic surveillance? President Washington?

Everyone feel free to make their own joke. Many of you obviously elected one for the White House and Dubya obviously appointed one for Attorney General.

Bush Continues to Fail on Terrorism he does on just about every other issue.

President Bush continues to talk tough on terrorism, but more than four years after the 9/11 attacks, what does he have to show for all of his talk?

– Global terrorist attacks have tripled on President Bush’s watch.

– The Bush administration has received failing and mediocre grades on fighting terrorists by the 9/11 Commission.

– By invading Iraq without a plan to stabilize the country, President Bush created a new haven and terrorist training ground for Al Qaeda.

– The Bush administration let top Al Qaeda leaders slip away in the early days of the war in Afghanistan.

The Bush failures in the fight against terrorism keep piling up, and Americans are less safe because of them.

Senator Feingold Hits One Out of the Park

"This administration reacts to anyone who questions this illegal program by saying that those of us who demand the truth and stand up for our rights and freedoms somehow has a pre-9/11 world view. In fact, the President has a pre-1776 world view. Our government has three branches, not one. And no one, not even the President, is above the law."

Sen. Feingold

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Is John Snow High or Just Retarded?


Snow said Bush's budget and his push to make permanent tax cuts on income from dividends and capital gains, which are set to expire at the end of 2008, are consistent with long-term goals of reducing the deficit, which the administration projects to reach $423 billion in 2006.

"Lower tax rates are good for the economy and a growing economy is good for Treasury receipts," he said.

YOU'VE GOT RECORD DEFICITS EVERY YEAR!!!!!!! The Treasury is EMPTY...except for the IOUs and Bush's footprints...and you can NOT pay the country's bills without borrowing more money from the Japanese and Chinese. Tax Cuts caused this. That's been proven time and time again. WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Sure You Haven't...

"Yes, I am cozy with lobbyists, but I have never done anything unethical."
—new House Majority Leader Rep. John Boehner


"One day last summer Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, chairman of the House Republican Conference, decided to play Santa Claus. … In any event, Mr. Boehner took it upon himself to begin handing out money from tobacco lobbyists to certain of his colleagues on the House floor."

Boehner stopped handing out the checks only "after being questioned about the practice by two freshmen who’d heard about the handoff on the House floor" [Charleston Gazette, 5/11/96]