Saturday, February 25, 2006

On the UAE Port Deal

It doesn't matter what foreign country we are talking about (UAE, Canada, UK, Iran, etc), no foreign country should ever have control of our sea ports, airports, nuclear facilities, or any other area of national security interest. It's absolutely unacceptable.

Only 5% of all shipping containers are inspected that come into this country and air freight is really NEVER inspected. Think about that.

Bush likes to say "9/11 changed everything". Not from where I sit. Whether the UAE "gets" these ports or not we'll have the same criminally negligent port security we've always had and that's the REAL problem.

While we're told we're supposed to invade countries without cause, torture prisoners, surrender civil liberties, and get spied on illegally by our government, all in the name of "national security", Bush and his GOP cronies don't think pesky things such as "national security" should get in the way of commerce. Especially with some of Bush's best Middle Eastern pals who have links to terrorism.

Our current government is FAILING miserably on the issue of national security (and every other issue I can think of) to make a quick buck and something needs to be done. Getting rid of the GOP Congress in '06, that sat on their ass doing nothing about this issue for 10 years, would be a good start.

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