Friday, May 26, 2006

Tax Cuts For The Rich

I love these people that still try to justify tax cuts for the rich because they say the rich pay most of the taxes and the poor pay no income tax. So? EVERYONE pays taxes.

Take a guy who is making $20,000 a year and needs 90% of his gross income to survive (rent, food, medicine, gas, etc.)

Now, take another guy who is making $2,000,000 a year and needs 1% of his gross income to survive (rent, food, medicine, gas, etc.)

If each of them pays 15% in taxes the one guy has to give up basic things needed to survive to make up for that 5% he can't afford.

The other guy is using 16% of his total gross salary for survival and taxes and still has approximately $1.7 million in disposable income. That sound like the America you want? It seem to me preventing one of my fellow citizens from having to eat out of a garbage is much more important than a millionaire having 84% of his income be disposable. Maybe that makes be a bleeding heart...but at least I have a heart.

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