Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Do Nothing GOP Congress

The House will vote on a conservative-backed resolution “today or Thursday” that is expected to attack The New York Times for its recent disclosure of the government’s secret monitoring of Americans’ bank transactions.


On the Senate floor yesterday, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said there was nothing the Senate could be doing that was more important than banning flag burning.


How's that immigration bill coming?

Terrorism has quadupled. Any useful thoughts on curbing that?

The investigation into the use of Iraq intel we've waited 3 years for?

Relief from high gas prices during this energy crisis?

How about the rising deficits?

Any headway on helping solve global warming?

Perhaps you could tell us what you're doing about 45 million Americans without health insurance?

How about the 37 million Americans living in poverty?

Any progress on fixing the chaos in Iraq?

How about inadequate cargo inspection?

Nope. Didn't have time to get to any of these because of the "important issues" of the day like flag burning, gay marriage, and attacking freedom of the press because the press FINALLY figured out Bush is a unqualified, dangerous fool.

Vote the GOP out in November 2006. They obviously aren't up to the job of governing this nation.

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