Thursday, July 14, 2005

Rove is Going Down For Perjury

Rove has been spouting for TWO years in the press he had nothing to do with the outing of Plame. I'm VERY sure that when rove testified in the grand jury regarding Plame he was asked if he had any involvement. What do you think he said?

The smart money is Rove said no he had no involvement with the incident at all or more likely he said he only talked about it AFTER the Novak column came out on July 14th. Rove has been making the above statements and those similar to these in the press for 2 years. He specifically told the FBI that he talked about PLAME AFTER the Novak column came out on July 14th. Now it's possible he's been telling the press something that was not true for 2 years and came clean with the grand jury but does anyone believe that after 2 years of lying Rove suddenly told the truth to the grand jury and admitted outing Plame on purpose or by accident? Not that any of that matters because he lied to the FBI and that is a criminal offense.

Once again, the Novak column came out on July 14th. Rove outed Plame as CIA to Cooper on July 11th. Unless Rove has a time machine he almost undoubtedly committed perjury. He lied to the press, he lied to the grand jury, he lied to the FBI, and he lied to the American people. Also, Rove either lied to Dubya or Dubya knew the truth and has been lying to the American people for 2 years to cover it up. Also keep in mind Rove at this time was an adviser to the president and Rove had no reason to know who Plame was, except as part of a public relations attack against her husband. It was a classic case of punishing the messenger for delivering unwanted news.

Rove is going down, now the question is who else is going with him?

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