Friday, July 08, 2005

Support is Not Yellow Ribbons

Some people think we should show our support for our troops in Iraq by putting yellow ribbons on our vehicles. It's the least we can do. And I mean that. By definition it is the very least someone can do.

This war is about oil more than anything else and there is nothing more foolish than someone driving around in an SUV getting 10 MPG with an American flag on one side and a yellow ribbon on the other. It's the equivalent of a whore wearing a rosary.

There are much better actions we could take to show our support of our brave troops and to help get them all home safely.

We could all write letters to our elected officials stating that we have had enough of our valiant women and men getting killed fighting an unjust war.

We could participate in demonstrations saying, "Bring our boys and girls back home now.

We could let our President and his oil baron cronies know that he is killing our service people, our sons and daughters, our wives and husbands, our fathers and mothers, in a war that we know was based on faulty and intentionally misleading information, and that we want that war stopped. That would be the best way we could all show our support for our troops.

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