Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Bring It On 2

Geez I thought "Bring It On 2" was just a bad movie about cheerleaders. Apparently, it's a line given by bad leaders who used to be cheerleaders.

"President Bush warned there will be increased violence in Iraq before next month's elections, as terrorists do everything they can "to try to stop the march of freedom." He said U.S. troops "are ready for it."

I guess ol' Dubya is talking big AGAIN while others fight his wars. What no flight suit George?

And "the march of freedom."??? LOL. ROTFLMAO. Ummm Dubya you're marching toward the edge of a cliff.

Dubya says stay the course, even though the course is severely fucked up.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Like Talking to a Wall...

I was speaking to my brother this weekend and the hurricane coverage on the radio led us to discussion of the last election.

I stated the obvious by saying I just don't see how anyone with any sense could have voted to re-elect Bush and I detailed the various policy decisions implemented by Bush (the unnecessary war, a pork filled energy bill, corporate welfare of the drug bill and energy bill, isolating ourselves from allies, deficits, poverty rising, etc. etc. etc.)

He responded with "I voted for Bush. Kerry was going to raise my taxes and I didn't like what he did protesting against Vietnam."

I asked him do you think Vietnam was worth fighting? And how much longer would you have liked to have seen it go on?

He responded. "No, I don't think Vietnam was worth fighting and he said he wished they ended it sooner".

I pointed out they ended the war because people like Kerry protested against the war and essentially forced them to end it.

He said "Yeah but I didn't like him protesting and he was going to raise my taxes."

Being against the Vietnam war and being critical of someone who protested it of course made no sense and I told him so but I moved on and asked him how the Hell he thought Kerry ever said he was going to raise HIS taxes?

His reply was "That's what Kerry said he was going to do."

I told him "No what Kerry said is he was going to try to repeal the tax cuts that people making over $200,000 got."

He said you call it a repeal I call it raising my taxes.

I pointed out that he and his wife don't make anywhere near $200,000 so his taxes wouldn't get raised even if the impossible happened and the tax cut repeal somehow got through the Republican led Congress.

He replied "Kerry was going to raise my taxes."

I said "OK, I think you made a mistake and your reasons for not voting for Kerry are unsupportable. Your vote didn't count anyway because NY went to Kerry so let's talk about something else before this gets ugly."

It's amazing that even when confronted by facts some people won't change their opinion. It's like talking to a wall. It is absolutely amazing how uninformed and poorly thought out the American electorate is.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Bush: “It’s Gonna Cost Whatever It Costs”

Hurricane Katrina shows yet again the poor leadership and incompetent management Americans have witnessed from the Bush administration since Dubya entered the White House. Excluding the disaster of Dubya becoming our "leader", there have been 3 major disasters for this country since Dubya became our "leader": 9/11, Iraq, and Hurricane Katrina. All of them have led to mismanagement and poor oversight of relief funds.

9/11 Funds
Despite multiple reports warning the federal government of lax oversight, the $5 billion effort to help small businesses recover from the Sept. 11 attacks was so loosely managed that it handed out millions in low-interest loans to undeserving businesses, including a tanning salon in Louisville, Kentucky, and a Colorado Quiznos sandwich shop.

$8.8 Billion Missing In Iraq
An audit by the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction found that the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), under the leadership of L. Paul Bremer, cannot account for nearly $9 billion of U.S. taxpayers' money.

And now Hurricane Katrina is going down the same road...
Reporter: What will it cost?

Bush: Well, it's gonna cost whatever it costs, and we're gonna be wise about the money we spend. I mean, you’re ask– I, I, I — we haven’t totaled up all the bridges… and highways.

Yep, ol' Dubya just screams "fiscal conservative". A real penny pincher. A guy who knows what he's spending and why. The presidency of George W. Bush has been one of misleadership, poor management, and fiscal irresponsibility.

One more time:

"it's gonna cost whatever it costs"

Billions of our tax dollars are "missing" already. That means the Bush administration is either incompetent or is just using these events to raid the treasury. Given those choices I'd like to believe Bush is incompetent but I can't do that. The Bush administration has employed cronyism, deception, no bid contracts and outright thievery to raid the treasury. Believe it.

Right wing pundits like Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter, etc. pounded the table and shrieked about the looting of grocery stores in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. They cheered when a shoot on sight order for looters was put in place. But the silence from the right will be deafening as Bush uses Katrina as another excuse to loot the U.S. Treasury.

"it's gonna cost whatever it costs"

Let those words ring in your ear for the rest of the day. Then take your wife (the one who is not to good with the credit cards) to the mall, hand her your wallet, and tell her to go buy herself a new outfit for the cocktail party you'll be attending next week. Ask her how much she thinks it will cost. Then feel a sense of regret and sickening panic when she answers...

"it's gonna cost whatever it costs"

What If the US Had Not Invaded Iraq?

* Saddam still might be in power but under the close scrutiny of UN inspectors.

* There would still be no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

* US troops would still be cleaning up Afghanistan instead of leaving it to warlords.

* Real progress might have been made rounding up Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan & Pakistan.

* Thousands of US servicemen wouldn't be dead.

* 25,000 innocent Iraqis (and counting) wouldn't be dead.

* The US would be hundreds of billions less in debt and might be able to afford education, infustructure and medicine for its own citizens.

* 150,000 US servicemen would now be home with their families.

* The US would still have its international partners in the terror war.

* The US and UN could have used their newfound influence to pressure Saddam into a peaceful transition of Iraq to a Democratic government.

* Iraq would not be the terrorist breeding ground it has become today.

* George W. Bush wouldn't have his present reputation as an international war criminal.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Two Very Revealing Quotes From The Right Wing

"We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did."

-- Rep. Richard Baker (R-LA), quoted by the Wall Street Journal, "overheard" in a conversation with lobbyists. "Baker explains later he didn't intend flippancy but has long wanted to improve low-income housing."

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this -- this [she chuckles slightly] is working very well for them."

-- Barbara Bush, quoted by on American Public Radio's Marketplace program, on New Orleans residents evacuated and re-located to the Astrodome in Houston.

As watch_n_wait over on the HAL board said

"Baker's comment and Babsy's recent observations expose the ugliness of the right-wing idealogues. It is fueled by an undeserved feeling of superiority and an unfounded belief that they have all the answers.

What is so ironic is that their performance during these past five years demonstrates that they are incompetent; they not only don't have all the answers . . . they seldom even know the right questions. GDumbya is the epitome of their failings."

I couldn't agree with watch_n_wait more.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

9-11 Taught the Bush Administration Nothing

“The same mistakes made on 9/11 were made over again, in some cases worse,” says former Gov. Thomas Kean (R-NJ), who chaired the 9/11 Commission. “Those are system-wide failures that can be fixed and should have been fixed right away.”

Two thoughts come to mind:

1) Everytime history repeats itself the price seems to goes up.
2) The Bush Administration: We waste your money, so you won't have to, and we make ourselves rich in the process.

The Ever Incompetent Bush "What I intend to do is lead an investigation to find out what went right and what went wrong," Bush said. "We still live in an unsettled world. We want to make sure we can respond properly if there is a WMD (weapons of mass destruction) attack or another major storm."

Now go back and read that quote one more time. "We want to make sure we can respond properly if there is a WMD attack or another major storm." He said this on September 6, 2005, nearly four years to the day since September 11, 2001 and Bush intends, soon, to lead an investigation to make sure we can respond to a WMD attack? Unbelieveable!!!!

Wasn't that the reason we have the Patriot Act?
Wasn't that the reason for creating and funding the Department of Homeland Security?
Wasn't that the point of the $300 billion Americans have given Bush in the last four years?

And Dubya is going to start now??!!!

What the hell did he do with all that money?
What the hell did he do in all that time?

The incompetence of this administration never ceases to amaze me.