Friday, September 09, 2005

Two Very Revealing Quotes From The Right Wing

"We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did."

-- Rep. Richard Baker (R-LA), quoted by the Wall Street Journal, "overheard" in a conversation with lobbyists. "Baker explains later he didn't intend flippancy but has long wanted to improve low-income housing."

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this -- this [she chuckles slightly] is working very well for them."

-- Barbara Bush, quoted by on American Public Radio's Marketplace program, on New Orleans residents evacuated and re-located to the Astrodome in Houston.

As watch_n_wait over on the HAL board said

"Baker's comment and Babsy's recent observations expose the ugliness of the right-wing idealogues. It is fueled by an undeserved feeling of superiority and an unfounded belief that they have all the answers.

What is so ironic is that their performance during these past five years demonstrates that they are incompetent; they not only don't have all the answers . . . they seldom even know the right questions. GDumbya is the epitome of their failings."

I couldn't agree with watch_n_wait more.

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