Monday, September 26, 2005

Like Talking to a Wall...

I was speaking to my brother this weekend and the hurricane coverage on the radio led us to discussion of the last election.

I stated the obvious by saying I just don't see how anyone with any sense could have voted to re-elect Bush and I detailed the various policy decisions implemented by Bush (the unnecessary war, a pork filled energy bill, corporate welfare of the drug bill and energy bill, isolating ourselves from allies, deficits, poverty rising, etc. etc. etc.)

He responded with "I voted for Bush. Kerry was going to raise my taxes and I didn't like what he did protesting against Vietnam."

I asked him do you think Vietnam was worth fighting? And how much longer would you have liked to have seen it go on?

He responded. "No, I don't think Vietnam was worth fighting and he said he wished they ended it sooner".

I pointed out they ended the war because people like Kerry protested against the war and essentially forced them to end it.

He said "Yeah but I didn't like him protesting and he was going to raise my taxes."

Being against the Vietnam war and being critical of someone who protested it of course made no sense and I told him so but I moved on and asked him how the Hell he thought Kerry ever said he was going to raise HIS taxes?

His reply was "That's what Kerry said he was going to do."

I told him "No what Kerry said is he was going to try to repeal the tax cuts that people making over $200,000 got."

He said you call it a repeal I call it raising my taxes.

I pointed out that he and his wife don't make anywhere near $200,000 so his taxes wouldn't get raised even if the impossible happened and the tax cut repeal somehow got through the Republican led Congress.

He replied "Kerry was going to raise my taxes."

I said "OK, I think you made a mistake and your reasons for not voting for Kerry are unsupportable. Your vote didn't count anyway because NY went to Kerry so let's talk about something else before this gets ugly."

It's amazing that even when confronted by facts some people won't change their opinion. It's like talking to a wall. It is absolutely amazing how uninformed and poorly thought out the American electorate is.

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