Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bush Supporters Should Be Allowed to Park In Handicapped Spaces

Lets face it, the only people that should support Bush are millionaires/billionaires, corporate heads, and Bush's inner circle. That's it. If you are not in the above list you would have to be functionally retarded to support Bush and his policies which seems a fair description of most of the Bush supporters I've seen

No WMD, SS Raided, nation building, environmentally negative legislation, huge deficits, government intervention in private matters, cover ups, deceit, propaganda, whoring themselves out to corporations. This is what the Bush administration is.

To support this is to go against your own interests assuming you aren't a multimillionaire.

Bottom line is, anyone who has an "I voted for Dubya" bumper sticker on their car should be allowed to park in a handicapped space.

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