Monday, August 08, 2005

A Prediction

With ever falling poll numbers a major (but not full) withdrawal from Iraq will begin sometime in the Summer of 2006 regardless of conditions in Iraq. This will occur we will be told because our mission has been completed but in fact it will be done in a failed attempt to help the GOP in the 2006 elections.

"The United States and Britain are drawing up plans to withdraw the majority of their troops from Iraq by the middle of next year, according to a secret memo written for British Prime Minister Tony Blair by Defense Secretary John Reid," the Washington Post reports.

They want to sit on the info to make it fresh in the minds of voters for the 2006 elections.

The pretend cowboy is playing politics again and soldiers will be paying for this with their lives. Dying for nothing. Since there aren't any elections until 2006 we'll have to wait until then for the Bush administration to "care".

Of course US troops will be in Iraq for the rest of our lifetimes...or until the oil runs out.

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