Monday, August 29, 2005

The Bush Tax Cuts Were a Scam

Everyone pays taxes. You buy a loaf of bread, you pay taxes. You pay tolls on roads you pay taxes. The problem is that if the corporations are paying less taxes (and they are) and the rich are paying less INCOME taxes (and they are) then the difference must be made up.

The lowering of taxes for the rich will only put more of a burden on the middle class and poor and I think we agree their burden is enough already at this point.

Feel free to believe whatever you want but let's face it, the "tax cuts" were a scam. They are really just a "tax deferral" WITH INTEREST.

The Bush administration has raised our tax burden by well over 2 trillion dollars since he took office, and there's no end in sight. With the help of a lapdog Congress, Bush merely cut the rate at which those most able to pay taxes have to pay them. Then he made a hefty surplus (his impetus for tax cuts in the first place) disappear from our treasury, and proceeded to run up half a trillion dollars a year in deficit. The fact that the tax code was adjusted to favor those at the top in no way exonerates the rest of us from having to pay back all the money. What's more, the longer it takes us to do it, the more interest we have to pay.

Bush could have at least tried cutting spending. Currently the U.S. is running a deficit of ONE MILLION DOLLARS A MINUTE. Bush promised budget surpluses....I would have settled for a good attempt at a balanced budget.

Someone will have to pay back these "tax deferrals" and the TAX INCREASE that is coming is going to be a doosey. I look at these tax cuts like a night of hard drinking. Have fun now because the hangover is coming and it's going to hit HARD. Spending money like a drunken sailor is not something I'm interested in continuing.

When you have a deficit, such as the large one this administration created, you can either raise taxes to cover it or pay for it with inflation by allowing market forces to intervene. There is no free lunch in this world.

There should NEVER be a tax cut unless the budget is balanced or running a surplus and a corresponding cut in spending takes place. That's called good sense.

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