Saturday, September 17, 2005

What If the US Had Not Invaded Iraq?

* Saddam still might be in power but under the close scrutiny of UN inspectors.

* There would still be no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

* US troops would still be cleaning up Afghanistan instead of leaving it to warlords.

* Real progress might have been made rounding up Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan & Pakistan.

* Thousands of US servicemen wouldn't be dead.

* 25,000 innocent Iraqis (and counting) wouldn't be dead.

* The US would be hundreds of billions less in debt and might be able to afford education, infustructure and medicine for its own citizens.

* 150,000 US servicemen would now be home with their families.

* The US would still have its international partners in the terror war.

* The US and UN could have used their newfound influence to pressure Saddam into a peaceful transition of Iraq to a Democratic government.

* Iraq would not be the terrorist breeding ground it has become today.

* George W. Bush wouldn't have his present reputation as an international war criminal.


Reality_is_Truth said...

I hate George Bush as much as people who love George Bush hate common sense.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, the current situation in Irag can be summed up perfectly by using the word Iraq as an acronym: I.R.A.Q. for "Improvise Republican Administration Quaqmire." or if you prefer "Inept Republican Administration Quadmire." Either
acronym would make a great bumper