Sunday, January 01, 2006

Another Reason Not To Go To Times Square

for the New Year's Eve Celebration.

It's bad enough there are loud drunks, almost no bathrooms, and vomit and urine in the streets but NOW it's obviously a prime terrorist target. From

"While the party carried on in Times Square, late arrivals waited in long lines to pass through security checkpoints where police searched bags. The crowds were still merging on midtown for the celebration an hour before midnight."

Good thing we spent $500 BILLION on Iraq so we could all feel "safer" in our "free" and "open" society. Safe from the scary terrorists. BOO!!!

Enjoy your freedom while you're being patted down and strip searched and remember that $500 BILLION pissed down a hole in Iraq was a HUGE God damn waste. What the heck it's only OUR money and it's not like we have HUGE deficits, MAJOR cuts in education funding, Poverty increasing every year for the last 4 years, 45 million US citizens without health care, a city that needs to be rebuilt after being destroyed by a natural disaster, and an aging population currently retiring that will put a HUGE strain on the economy.

Happy New Year...if that's possible.

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