Monday, January 16, 2006

Does anyone in the GOP have ethics??

>>> By now we've all seen this...

Md. Legislature Overrides Veto on Wal-Mart Bill

Maryland lawmakers bucked the will of the state's **Republican** governor and the nation's largest retailer yesterday, voting to become the first state to effectively require that Wal-Mart spend more on employee health care.

(Basically, so that the taxpayers of Maryland can quit footing the bill to pay for Walmart employees' healthcare and make Walmart do it.)

>>>Now check this out:

“Wal-Mart hosted a $1,000 [per-person] fundraiser for me?” Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich said on CNBC yesterday. “That is absolutely incorrect. Wal-Mart has not hosted any fundraisers.” His press secretary explained “Wal-Mart was not the host, just one of many hosts” but was “unable to identify any other sponsors.”

Gee he vetoed legislation BAD for Walmart but GOOD for the citizens of his state after Walmart gave him a bunch of ethics violation there right? right?


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