Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I See the Republicans Proposed "Ethics" Legislation Today

Someone better get the RNC a dictionary so they can look up what ethics are:

Let's see who was involved in scandal BEFORE the Abramoff scandal broke:

REPUBLICAN Tom "The Hammer" DeLay had to step down as the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives two months ago after he was indicted on charges of breaking campaign finance laws.

REPUBLICAN Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice-President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, has been charged with perjury and obstruction of justice.

REPUBLICAN Bill Frist, the Senate Majority Leader, is under SEC investigation over allegations that he benefited from inside information for stock trades.

REPUBLICAN Randy "Duke" Cunningham pleaded guilty to charges of tax evasion and fraud. And cried like a little girl I might add.

REPUBLICAN Karl Rove, President Bush's chief political adviser, is still under investigation by the special prosecutor for charges related to outting CIA agent Valerie Plame, perjury, and obstruction of justice.

NOW we have the Abramoff Scandal. Abramoff is a GOP lobbyist who did NOT give any money personally to anyone not a member of the GOP (that's documented). Sure the GOP says Mr. Abramoff's clients -- those Indian tribes -- gave money to Democrats as well as Republicans but anyone with an ounce of sense can see that for smoke screen it is. The tribes were ALREADY giving money to Democrats before Mr. Abramoff entered the picture, Abramoff persuaded them to REDUCE those Democratic donations, while giving much more money to Republicans. All those FACTS aside, the GOP controls the House, the Senate, and the Presidency...golly who would people be bribing via a GOP lobbyist...those in power, the GOP, or those NOT in power. How many REPUBLICAN lobbyists that want to keep their job can you think of that would arrange for funding to be directed to Democrats? If you answered NONE, it shows you have a working brain. Congratulations.

It's going to be a VERY long year for the GOP ending in an election that is going to make them lose a considerable bit of power. The GOP is going to lose the House and perhaps the Senate, and if one of those things happen they could easily lose the presidency after Bush is impeached and prosecuted.

The GOP proposing ethics legislation is like having the fox design the hen house.

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