Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Can You Say Delusional??

"This is a man, I believe, God has appointed ... to represent righteousness in government,"

Rev. Rick Scarborough speaking about Tom DeLay

Evidentially, ol' Reverend Ricky thinks God has a tail, hooves, horns, carries a pitch fork, and listens to the screams of the damned on his iPod.

Oh Hypocrisy, Oh Irony, Thou Art Glorious

A federal appeals court ordered Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) to pay House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) $700,000 "for leaking an illegally taped phone conversation between Boehner and then-Speaker Newt Gingrich," the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

IMAGINE, the head of the GOP is upset because HE was illegally wiretapped. LOL!!!

Has he been paying attention to what HIS president is doing???

Oh hypocrisy, oh irony, thou art glorious.

Monday, March 27, 2006

For Those That STILL Haven't Figured It Out...

The Iraq occupation was never about WMD, Democracy, or human rights. It was and is all about who controls the Iraqi oil fields. Not a revelation to those of us that have been paying attention I grant you but there are still people who haven't seen the obvious truth. I know...that hardly seems possible but they do exist.

The United Nations inspectors were lurking about Iraq in early 2003 and within the next six months they were going to declare Iraq WMD free. That OBVIOUSLY makes sense because as we "all" KNOW there were no WMD in Iraq. Once Iraq was cleared, UN sanctions would be lifted within a year or two and then the Chinese, French and Russians would be able to begin developing the second largest oil reserves in the world. The US oil companies like Exxon that are having a more difficult time finding "easy oil" absolutely couldn't have THAT.

Fast forward to Bush kicking out the UN weapon inspectors and an unnecessary invasion of Iraq by the United States and Britain and presto chango those contracts that Chinese, Russian and French oil companies agreed on with Iraq long before the invasion are null and void. If you take a quick Goggle of the situation now you'll see US and British oil companies have rights to those oil fields NOW. Oh and while you're at it look up Executive Order 13303 that provides absolute legal protection for US interests in Iraqi oil. They can do whatever they want and they are above the law.

Bottom line is that this whole Iraq fiasco is about who controls the oil and that's now the US and British oil companies. The Bush/Republican agenda has NEVER been to do what's good for America. Their agenda has and always will be to do what is good for their very elite constituency composed largely of "Big Oil".

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Babs Bush's Katrina ''Donation''

Remember Dubya's mom? The woman who said of Katrina victims:

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this -- this [she chuckles slightly] is working very well for them."

Well she made a hefty donation today to the Katrina fund. Nice jesture you say? Nope. Not if you look at where it was specifically earmarked for....

The Houston Chronicle reported that the donation Barbara Bush made to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund was 'earmarked' for the educational software company Ignite! As some of you probably know that's the junk company owned by her ne'er-do-well son Neil Bush.

So Babs gets to give money to her other idiot son free and clear and she gets a nice tax writeoff to boot...the Bushs, a family of scumbags I tell ya.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bush Passing the Devalued Buck AGAIN

"The American people did not place us in office to pass on problems to future generations and future Presidents and future Congresses." – President Bush, 3/12/05


At this morning’s press conference, President Bush said that U.S. troops would remain in Iraq through the end of his presidency. According to Bush, the question of whether U.S. troops will ever leave Iraq will be one for “future presidents.”

Monday, March 20, 2006

Bush Obviously Has No Answers

The goal of the administration always seems to be to change the American public's perceptions of an issue, rather than to change what's actually happening. That is a sure sign these people have no answers to the problems that face this nation, they just don't give a damn, or both.

Iraq, Deficits, Medicare, Terrorism, Ports Deal, Bankruptcy Bill, Jobs, Katrina, Poverty, etc. etc. etc.

It's just one PR campaign after another, one failure after another. These people just don't want to deal with reality. Ignoring facts doesn't make them less true and the one fact that stands out most is Bush has failed to lead this nation in the right direction.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Sometimes ol' Dubya makes it too easy...

WASHINGTON - President Bush delivered a partisan pep talk Thursday night to Republicans who may be jittery about midterm elections while his approval rating is at an all-time low.

"We don't fear the future," Bush told donors who contributed $8 million Thursday night to support Republican House candidates. "We welcome it."

Yep, the rest of us welcome the future too...

President Bush's approval rate is just 39%, with 58% disapproving of his performance.

Democrats have "an historic" 15 point edge, 52% to 37%, in the generic congressional ballot.

Bring on the future!!!!

Then the coked out retard said...

"I can stand up here and tell you that we have delivered results for the American people, and we've got an agenda to continue to do so," Bush said.

Yep ol' incompetent Dubya sure did deliver results, of course 99% of the results were BAD results, thus the poor ratings and coming GOP slaughter in the 2006 elections.

Quote of the Day

"The more we hear about what Allen is accused of, the less it sounds like kleptomania and the more it sounds like an application of Bush economic policy."

Jacob Weisberg, referring to Claude Allen, former Bush White House aide caught in a shoplifting scheme

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Insane Bush Can't Admit His Mistakes...

so he will NEVER LEARN from them.

Bush Will Reissue Declaration of Preemptive War

President Bush plans to issue a new national security strategy today reaffirming his doctrine of preemptive war against terrorists and hostile states with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, despite the troubled experience in Iraq.

The definition of insanity is, “Doing the same thing over and over again expecting the outcome to change”.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Bush Delivers

...29% approval ratings, huge deficits, incompetence, death, torture, no accountablity for anything on any level, dangerously open borders, White House press passes to a gay male prostitute, cronyism, an outrageously expensive poorly working medicare drug bill he lied about the cost of, outsourcing of our sea ports and security to potential enemies, our nuclear secrets to foreign countries that have not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, illegal invasions, hyped/manufactured evidence, corruption, high gas/oil prices, out of control medical costs, no bid contracts, exporting of American jobs, an energy bill that does nothing to reduce foreign dependence or bring fuel prices down, illegal wiretaps, no WMD, no Osama, no anthrax mailer, QUADRUPLE the terrorism since he started his "war on terror", corporate welfare, stagnant real wages, nation building, environmentally negative legislation, outting of CIA agents, bungled Katrina response, government intervention in private matters, increased poverty every year of his presidency, cover ups, deceit, propaganda, lame excuses, lies, and long presidential vacations.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

2005 Deficit Actually $760 Billion

CongressDaily reported today, "A little-noticed Treasury Department report sent to congressional leaders in December paints a bleaker picture of the nation's finances than is widely accepted and is beginning to attract attention as lawmakers prepare for election-year budget battles." The report puts the fiscal year 2005 deficit at $760 billion by "using generally accepted accounting principles that private businesses must use to present their finances." The larger figure contrasts strongly with the $319 billion figure typically cited. According to the report, standard deficit calculations give "a potentially unrealistic and misleading picture of the federal government’s overall performance, financial condition, and future fiscal outlook." Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) complained that Congress was not sufficiently notified about the report. "We got more notification on the NSA domestic surveillance thing," Cooper said.

Bush Caught on Tape LYING AGAIN!!!

Bush caught on tape being warned that Hurricane Katrina “could breach levees, risk lives in the New Orleans Superdome and overwhelm rescuers.”


“I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.” -George W. Bush, Sept. 1, 2005

By definition, that would make him a liar.