Monday, March 27, 2006

For Those That STILL Haven't Figured It Out...

The Iraq occupation was never about WMD, Democracy, or human rights. It was and is all about who controls the Iraqi oil fields. Not a revelation to those of us that have been paying attention I grant you but there are still people who haven't seen the obvious truth. I know...that hardly seems possible but they do exist.

The United Nations inspectors were lurking about Iraq in early 2003 and within the next six months they were going to declare Iraq WMD free. That OBVIOUSLY makes sense because as we "all" KNOW there were no WMD in Iraq. Once Iraq was cleared, UN sanctions would be lifted within a year or two and then the Chinese, French and Russians would be able to begin developing the second largest oil reserves in the world. The US oil companies like Exxon that are having a more difficult time finding "easy oil" absolutely couldn't have THAT.

Fast forward to Bush kicking out the UN weapon inspectors and an unnecessary invasion of Iraq by the United States and Britain and presto chango those contracts that Chinese, Russian and French oil companies agreed on with Iraq long before the invasion are null and void. If you take a quick Goggle of the situation now you'll see US and British oil companies have rights to those oil fields NOW. Oh and while you're at it look up Executive Order 13303 that provides absolute legal protection for US interests in Iraqi oil. They can do whatever they want and they are above the law.

Bottom line is that this whole Iraq fiasco is about who controls the oil and that's now the US and British oil companies. The Bush/Republican agenda has NEVER been to do what's good for America. Their agenda has and always will be to do what is good for their very elite constituency composed largely of "Big Oil".

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