Monday, March 13, 2006

Bush Delivers

...29% approval ratings, huge deficits, incompetence, death, torture, no accountablity for anything on any level, dangerously open borders, White House press passes to a gay male prostitute, cronyism, an outrageously expensive poorly working medicare drug bill he lied about the cost of, outsourcing of our sea ports and security to potential enemies, our nuclear secrets to foreign countries that have not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, illegal invasions, hyped/manufactured evidence, corruption, high gas/oil prices, out of control medical costs, no bid contracts, exporting of American jobs, an energy bill that does nothing to reduce foreign dependence or bring fuel prices down, illegal wiretaps, no WMD, no Osama, no anthrax mailer, QUADRUPLE the terrorism since he started his "war on terror", corporate welfare, stagnant real wages, nation building, environmentally negative legislation, outting of CIA agents, bungled Katrina response, government intervention in private matters, increased poverty every year of his presidency, cover ups, deceit, propaganda, lame excuses, lies, and long presidential vacations.

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