Friday, March 17, 2006

Sometimes ol' Dubya makes it too easy...

WASHINGTON - President Bush delivered a partisan pep talk Thursday night to Republicans who may be jittery about midterm elections while his approval rating is at an all-time low.

"We don't fear the future," Bush told donors who contributed $8 million Thursday night to support Republican House candidates. "We welcome it."

Yep, the rest of us welcome the future too...

President Bush's approval rate is just 39%, with 58% disapproving of his performance.

Democrats have "an historic" 15 point edge, 52% to 37%, in the generic congressional ballot.

Bring on the future!!!!

Then the coked out retard said...

"I can stand up here and tell you that we have delivered results for the American people, and we've got an agenda to continue to do so," Bush said.

Yep ol' incompetent Dubya sure did deliver results, of course 99% of the results were BAD results, thus the poor ratings and coming GOP slaughter in the 2006 elections.

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