Friday, January 05, 2007

Bush: Congress Must Limit Pork Spending

WASHINGTON - President Bush said Wednesday he'll submit a proposal to balance the budget in five years and exhorted Congress to "end the dead of night process" of quietly tucking expensive pet projects into spending bills.

Well OK, putting aside the fact that the Democrats ALREADY pledged to do this where the Hell was Bush for the last SIX YEARS when the GOP was setting records for pork? Sheesh!!!

I don't want to use the word liar yet again when referring to Bush but in 2000, the Bush-Cheney campaign website said that to "restore confidence in government," President Bush would "attack pork-barrel spending." You be the judge of how truthful that statement was...

Number of Pork Projects in Federal Spending Bills (GOP running things)

2005 - 13,997
2004 - 10,656
2003 - 9,362
2002 - 8,341
2001 - 6,333
2000 - 4,326
1999 - 2,838
1998 - 2100
1997 - 1,596
1996 - 958
1995 - 1439

It is almost laughable how out of control this is until you realize you and I are paying for this. But NOW that the Democrats are in charge Bush wants to do something about this. What a hypocritical fool.

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