Sunday, January 07, 2007

White House Declares Visitor Logs Top Secret

WASHINGTON — The White House and the Secret Service quietly signed an agreement last spring in the midst of the Jack Abramoff lobbying scandal declaring that records identifying visitors to the White House are not open to the public.

But they think it's OK to open our mail and and listen to our phone calls.

I think we (the people) have a right to know who has access to our government officials.

These aren't nuclear launch codes, aircraft carrier coordinates or anything else with national security implications.

It's simply a list of people who drove down a public street, turned into a public driveway and walked into a public building to meet with a publicly elected official.

The government can know every movie I've ever rented, every book I've ever read. But what they do while representing us is top secret????

Why does the Bush Administration behave like a common banana republic tin pot dictator, instead of the leader of the free world?

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