Sunday, January 21, 2007

SOTU Coming Up This Tuesday

Personally, I wouldn't miss it. It's like watching Tommy Flanagan (played by John Lovitz) from the old Pathological Liars Society skits on Saturday Night Live. With Bush telling outrageous lies and making promises he won't even try to keep it's just pure long as you aren't stupid enough to actually believe anything he says.

Two of my favorites from past SOTU's.

SOTU 2003: President Bush Spoke of Providing All Americans with Affordable Health Care. "We must work toward a system in which all Americans have a good insurance policy, choose their own doctors, and seniors and low-income Americans receive the help they need."

But Health Care Premiums Have Increased by Over 80 Percent. (U.S. Census Bureau, 8/29/06)

SOTU 2002: Bush Said Energy Must Be Made More Affordable. In 2002, President Bush said, "Good jobs also depend on reliable and affordable energy. This Congress must act to encourage conservation, promote technology, build infrastructure, and it must act to increase energy production at home so America is less dependent on foreign oil."

But Under Bush Prices Have Climbed. Heating Costs Have Increased 64 Percent. Gas Prices 86% Higher.

The SOTU is merely an exercise in Bush making more outrageous lies and promises every year in an attempt to top himself from the year before.

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