Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bill Kristol Makes A Complete Ass Out of Himself And Doesn't Even Know It

Kristol: Obama Is ‘The Opposite Of Lincoln,’ Would Have Been Pro-Slavery

Yesterday, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) announced his candidacy for president in Springfield, IL, where Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” address. In his speech, Obama reiterated his call to redeploy U.S. forces out of Iraq by March 2008.

This morning on Fox News Sunday, Weekly Standard editor William Kristol attacked Obama’s Iraq policy, saying he wants to appease terrorists like pro-slavery politician Stephen Douglas tried to appease slave-owners. Kristol said, “Obama’s speech is a ‘can’t we get along’ speech — sort of the opposite of Lincoln. He would have been with Stephen Douglas in 1858.”

Stephen Douglas supported the Dred Scott Supreme Court decision of 1857, and took the pro-slavery position that each territory should decide whether or not to allow slave-owning.

Ooops!!! That might be the dumbest thing Kristol has ever said and he's about the biggest moron on Fox News although Kristol does have alot of competition.

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