Sunday, February 11, 2007

''But It's OK 'Cuz We're the Good Guys''

Tonight, I had an interesting but frustrating conversation with an acquaintance named Alan. I was having dinner with him and some other people and he had Fox Noise on (yuck) before we ate. The "reporters" were babbling about how insurgents were allegedly being armed with weapons from Iran and said they could tell from serial numbers, etc.

Alan said "We should nuke Iran and that would fix the problem"

I explained "That really isn't an option and you have to admit it's pretty crazy to suggest such a thing because you'd be paying $500 for a barrel of oil and you'd kill a lot of innocent people"

Alan said "Yeah you're right but we gotta do something because it's not right that they're arming our enemies."

I said "Well would you expect anything different? We did the EXACT SAME THING during the Iraq-Iran war by arming Iraq against Iran. Isn't Iran just doing what we did to them? Why is it right for us to arm their enemy but they can't arm ours? They're just doing what we did to them."

He said "Well yeah it's the same thing...but we're the good guys."

I said "Sometimes there aren't good guys and everything is sort of dark gray"

He let it drop after that but what bothers me is this guy is a fairly vocal born again Christian (ugh!). The born again thing sort of explains his immature, narrow minded, black and white world view but suggesting the nuking of another country would seem to go against all of his alleged "beliefs".

It amazes me how many followers there are in this world that don't ever bother to look at who and what they are following even when it goes against all their beliefs.

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