Sunday, February 11, 2007

Giuliani Waves Goodbye to the Independent Vote and Any Slim Chance He Had To Be President

Praises Bush and Says His Ideas Come From God

Way to lose an election before you even start there Rudy...

(02-11) 04:00 PST Sacramento -- Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, arguing that America is in desperate need of a Ronald Reagan-style optimistic vision, told California Republicans on Saturday that he wants to be a president who will "win the world for a set of ideas ... that I believe come from God."


In his 45-minute address and in remarks to reporters afterward, Giuliani lavished praise on President Bush, insisting Bush will have "a very strong place in history," in part because of his "very brave and very wise" decision to go after al Qaeda in Afghanistan (WHICH HE SCREWED UP AND ABANDONED TO GO INTO IRAQ FOR NO REASON) after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

And please don't even get me started on McCain who already lost most of his independent backing.

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