Friday, February 16, 2007

Soul, Conscience, & Principles...Things Most Religious ''Conservatives'' Don't Have

On the escalation:

Those who say they attend religious services weekly were more supportive of the administration's move to increase U.S. troops levels in Iraq. But a majority still opposed that idea.

Attend church weekly: 46% favor troop increase, 53% oppose.
Nearly weekly/monthly: 35% favor, 62% oppose.
Seldom/never: 34% favor, 63% oppose.

Those who say they attend religious services weekly were the least likely to support the idea of Congress setting a timetable to bring U.S. forces home by the end of next year. But a majority still supported the proposal.

Attend church weekly: 56% support, 41% oppose.
Nearly weekly/monthly: 68% support, 31% oppose
Seldom/never: 65% support, 33% oppose

Just goes to show that going to church (you know the place where they preach "thou shalt not kill") doesn't give someone moral superiority over those that don't attend church. Giving up on the very principles of ones beliefs (in this case religious beliefs) shows how weak and unprincipled many of these people are.

I know...I know...some "conservative" is going to tell us "but we gots to kill them crazy murderous religious nuts for they get us and our kin".

Of course they never think there are people in Iraq targeting Americans saying "but we gots to kill them crazy murderous religious nuts for they get us and our kin".

The irony is overwelming.

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