Wednesday, November 30, 2005

''It's Raining'' Say Bush Supporters

Being a Bush supporter must be tough. Insulating oneself from reality ALL THE TIME must be tiring.

George Bush keeps climbing up on a chair and pissing in their face and Bush supporters just keep repeating "It's raining". The fact there isn't a cloud in the sky or that they are indoors doesn't seem to bother them either...they just keep repeating "it's raining" until they believe it.

No WMD, SS Raided, nation building, environmentally negative legislation, huge deficits, government intervention in private matters, cover ups, deceit, propaganda, whoring themselves out to corporations, taking the country to war based on lies. This is what the Bush administration is.

You really would have to be in complete denial or functionally retarded to support Bush and his policies which seems a fair description of the Bush supporters I've seen.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Bush Flip Flops...AGAIN

White House claims 'strong consensus' on Iraq pullout

The White House for the first time has claimed ownership of an Iraq withdrawal plan, arguing that a troop pullout blueprint unveiled this past week by a Democratic senator was "remarkably similar" to its own.

It also signaled its acceptance of a recent US Senate amendment designed to pave the way for a phased US military withdrawal from the violence-torn country.

WOW!!!! Bush looks like a complete jackass even more than usual.

Bush's attitude toward Iraq is NOW remarkably like his opposition. I suppose the "cowards" routine he engaged in a week or so ago was jealousy that he couldn't unveil it first.

I'm really tired of Bush. The man studiously ignored each and every chance he had to correct the flaws of his Iraq strategy and (gasp!) really win his own war.

Why? Yes, he's about a stupid and unenergized a man as we've ever had as president. But most of his inaction was based on bloody-minded pride.

Now he has his "mind" clarified by, not evidence or reasoned argument---These have always been available in abundance.

No, Bush runs squealing like a pig from the upcoming 2006 elections.

A year ago it was predicted that Bush would dump Iraq and say, with a straight face, that what was left was victory.

He should resign. What's he going to do with the next three years? Rally the nation with his intellect and decisiveness?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The But But But Clinton Defense...

The GOP is STILL hiding behind Democrats and their illogic is incredible.

Anytime anyone points out a Bush administration lie, deception, blunder, or dishonest action some right-wing Rove-bot shows up with some meaningless out of context Clinton quote to try to justify the Bush administration lie, deception, blunder, or dishonest action. The Rove-bots do not ever address the substance of the remarks about the Bush administration they just fire off some irrelevant anti-Clinton propaganda point.

The funny thing is, what they are basically saying is sure the GOP and especially Bush are complete scumbags but here's a guy that is also allegedly a scumbag.

This is a defense??!!

That's like standing up in open court and saying "Yeah I murdered that woman but that guy you put in jail before me stole a candy bar. How does that guy live with himself stealing candy bars like that?".

Let's see:

GOP President ---------------- Check.
GOP Congress ----------------- Check.
GOP Supreme Court ------------ Check.

Yet somehow GOP apologists expect people to believe somehow Clinton and/or the Democrats are somehow to blame for a current situation.

What ever happened to that GOP talking point about "taking responsibility for one's own actions"? Pointing fingers at others does not absolve one from responsibility for his or her own actions. The few Bush supporters that are left seem to have forgotten that.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Question For War Supporters Is...

If Bush had told the truth and said before the war: "The inspections have found no WMD's in Iraq, there is no current threat of Iraq attacking the US or its allies with WMDS, and Iraq has no working relationship with al Qaeda but we must invade Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power and bring freedom and democracy to Iraq, even if it means staying there for 10 years, spending hundreds of billions of dollars, and might cost 2000 US lives," would this country have supported the invasion, let alone Congress?

(Hint: No)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Bush Makes an Ass Out of Himself AGAIN

From the AP

"Reasonable people can disagree about the conduct of the war, but it is irresponsible for Democrats to now claim that we misled them and the American people," Bush said in his prepared remarks.

So Bush doesn't actually say he did NOT mislead anyone. He's just saying that the imaginary time limit for calling him on his lies has passed? Maybe Bush should take note of the fact it's irresponsible to mislead people and that it's RESPONSIBLE to call liars like Bush on their lies.

"Only one person manipulated evidence and misled the world and that person was Saddam Hussein," Bush added.

Yep, the Bush administration manipulated, manufactured, and hyped up evidence and reality didn't match the ridiculous story they fed the American people. How dare Saddam not have WMDs or a working relationship with al Qaeda when Bush told everyone Saddam did.

So there you go everyone Saddam and the Democrats are responsible for Bush's lies. What Bush told the world would have been true if the facts were totally different and you ignore reality completely.

The old, it's everyone else's fault but mine defense. Very shrewd...if you're five years old.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Will Bush Ever Run Out of Lies?

From Yahoo

"The stakes in the global war on terror are too high and the national interest is too important for politicians to throw out false charges," the president said in his combative Veterans Day speech.

Oh. Do you mean like telling the American people it was necessary to invade Iraq because they had WMDs (including nuclear weapons) and that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the US and it's allies? Or suggesting to the American people Iraq and al Qaeda had a working relationship? Or suggesting on numerous occasions that Iraq had something to do with 9-11?

"Some Democrats and anti-war critics are now claiming we manipulated the intelligence and mislead the American people about why we went to war," Bush said.

No. Many of us have ALWAYS KNOWN that. And we've been saying that since before the war began.

Like this, this, this, and of course this.

[Bush] said those critics have made those allegations although they know that a Senate investigation "found no evidence" of political pressure to change the intelligence community's assessments related to Saddam's weapons program.

Ummm Dubya they NEVER investigated that. That is why the Democrats called for a closed session of Congress just ten days ago to FORCE the GOP to actually START the investigation that they promised 2 YEARS ago.

When it became glaringly apparent no weapons of mass destruction would be found in Iraq, the Senate Intelligence Committee began an investigation into what went wrong. Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and John Rockefeller (D-WV) agreed to divide the investigation into two parts: a section on the shortcomings of the intelligence community and an examination of White House pressure and manipulation of intelligence that would be released later. When the first section on the intel community was released in July 2004, Tim Russert asked Roberts if the section on White House culpability would be ready in time for the election. "I don't know if we can get it done before the election," Roberts responded. "It's more important to get it right." Recently Roberts revised his views; instead of getting it right, he'd rather not do it at all. After President Bush was reelected, Roberts changed his tune, first saying the investigation was "basically on the back burner," then calling it a "monumental waste of time."

The web of Bush lies grows daily..

Sunday, November 06, 2005

What Was and What Shall Be

Bush "won" the last election because the people who allegedly voted for him have very misplaced ideas about what's important.

The 4 biggest issues according to the voters in the election were Moral values, Iraq, Economy/Jobs, & Terrorism.

When asked what the most important issues were to voters here was the breakdown:

• Moral values (i.e gay marriage, abortion, etc) was the main issue for most voters who voted Bush.
• Terrorism was the other the other issue most voters who voted Bush cited.
• Iraq was the main issue for most voters who voted Kerry.
• Economy/Jobs was the other the other issue most voters who voted Kerry cited.

Both issues each candidate took wide margins in winning on those issues.

The Bush voters have completely misplaced priorities in my opinion. Abortion and gay marriage are so far down on the list of things people should be concerned about it is laughable that it is the main issue many Bush voters cited as a reason for voting for Bush.

I'd say the US being at war with another nation and the economy are MUCH MUCH more important issues as they actually effect the health of this nation and people's lives more directly.

Bush winning on terrorism (his poll numbers have dropped considerably on that issue since the election) is almost laughable. The two places that were effected by terrorism on 9/11, New York and DC overwhelmingly voted for Kerry.

I'd say people with misplaced priorities, little sense of what's really important, Bush campaign smear tactics and a somewhat poor campaign by Kerry are what gave Bush the election. Bush sure didn't earn it for anything he's done.

Bush has lost his majority support on the issue of terrorism and he's done nothing and will do nothing about abortion and gay marriage.

The good news is Bush is now a lame duck with extremely low approval ratings and members of his own party are treating him like a leper so the amount of damage he can do will be limited until he leaves office.

After 2006 it looks like the Democrats will control the Senate so from that point on we will have gridlock which is probably the best thing for this country as it will limit spending and re-engage partisan checks and balances.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Last Two Weeks Were A Nightmare for the GOP

Their corruption and incompetence in ALL branches of government has been put on full display for all to see.

• The Republican majority leader, Bill Frist is under investigation for insider trading.

• The Republican majority leader in the House, Tom DeLay was forced to step down when he was indicted.

• Bush's poll numbers hit an all time low AGAIN (35%).

• Harriet Miers didn't meet the approval of the religious right enough she was forced to remove her nomination to the Supreme court and out of a position of weakness Bush was made to appoint a radical right wing activist judge to please the religious right.

• The Democrats called a closed session of congress to try to get the Republicans to FINALLY investigate whether the evidence to go to war with Iraq was hyped and manipulated. This investigation was promised TWO YEARS ago and they've done NOTHING because they are covering up for Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, etc who did indeed hype, manipulate and manufacture evidence to sell the war in Iraq.

• President Bush's main adviser, Karl Rove is still under investigation and is likely to soon lose his security clearance.

• Vice-President Dick Cheney's chief of staff Scooter Libby was indicted for obstruction of justice and perjury for lying to the grand jury and the FBI.

• Iraq is still a disaster with over 90 soldiers dying in October.

• A Senate investigation of lobbyist Jack Abramoff that has drawn attention to his ties to members of President Bush's inner circle of advisers opened.

• Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz admitted he can’t get the World Bank into Iraq because of bad post war planning. (oh the irony)

• It was reported that the CIA is hiding and interrogating Al Qaeda captives in covert, illegal prison systems.

• Vice-President Dick Cheney came out with a PRO-torture amendment. Is this the compassionate conservatism we hear so much about from our corporate media?

That covers most of far..that we know about. The GOP is taking on water and the 2006 elections are going to be another GOP nightmare.