Sunday, November 06, 2005

What Was and What Shall Be

Bush "won" the last election because the people who allegedly voted for him have very misplaced ideas about what's important.

The 4 biggest issues according to the voters in the election were Moral values, Iraq, Economy/Jobs, & Terrorism.

When asked what the most important issues were to voters here was the breakdown:

• Moral values (i.e gay marriage, abortion, etc) was the main issue for most voters who voted Bush.
• Terrorism was the other the other issue most voters who voted Bush cited.
• Iraq was the main issue for most voters who voted Kerry.
• Economy/Jobs was the other the other issue most voters who voted Kerry cited.

Both issues each candidate took wide margins in winning on those issues.

The Bush voters have completely misplaced priorities in my opinion. Abortion and gay marriage are so far down on the list of things people should be concerned about it is laughable that it is the main issue many Bush voters cited as a reason for voting for Bush.

I'd say the US being at war with another nation and the economy are MUCH MUCH more important issues as they actually effect the health of this nation and people's lives more directly.

Bush winning on terrorism (his poll numbers have dropped considerably on that issue since the election) is almost laughable. The two places that were effected by terrorism on 9/11, New York and DC overwhelmingly voted for Kerry.

I'd say people with misplaced priorities, little sense of what's really important, Bush campaign smear tactics and a somewhat poor campaign by Kerry are what gave Bush the election. Bush sure didn't earn it for anything he's done.

Bush has lost his majority support on the issue of terrorism and he's done nothing and will do nothing about abortion and gay marriage.

The good news is Bush is now a lame duck with extremely low approval ratings and members of his own party are treating him like a leper so the amount of damage he can do will be limited until he leaves office.

After 2006 it looks like the Democrats will control the Senate so from that point on we will have gridlock which is probably the best thing for this country as it will limit spending and re-engage partisan checks and balances.

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