Monday, November 28, 2005

Bush Flip Flops...AGAIN

White House claims 'strong consensus' on Iraq pullout

The White House for the first time has claimed ownership of an Iraq withdrawal plan, arguing that a troop pullout blueprint unveiled this past week by a Democratic senator was "remarkably similar" to its own.

It also signaled its acceptance of a recent US Senate amendment designed to pave the way for a phased US military withdrawal from the violence-torn country.

WOW!!!! Bush looks like a complete jackass even more than usual.

Bush's attitude toward Iraq is NOW remarkably like his opposition. I suppose the "cowards" routine he engaged in a week or so ago was jealousy that he couldn't unveil it first.

I'm really tired of Bush. The man studiously ignored each and every chance he had to correct the flaws of his Iraq strategy and (gasp!) really win his own war.

Why? Yes, he's about a stupid and unenergized a man as we've ever had as president. But most of his inaction was based on bloody-minded pride.

Now he has his "mind" clarified by, not evidence or reasoned argument---These have always been available in abundance.

No, Bush runs squealing like a pig from the upcoming 2006 elections.

A year ago it was predicted that Bush would dump Iraq and say, with a straight face, that what was left was victory.

He should resign. What's he going to do with the next three years? Rally the nation with his intellect and decisiveness?

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