Wednesday, November 30, 2005

''It's Raining'' Say Bush Supporters

Being a Bush supporter must be tough. Insulating oneself from reality ALL THE TIME must be tiring.

George Bush keeps climbing up on a chair and pissing in their face and Bush supporters just keep repeating "It's raining". The fact there isn't a cloud in the sky or that they are indoors doesn't seem to bother them either...they just keep repeating "it's raining" until they believe it.

No WMD, SS Raided, nation building, environmentally negative legislation, huge deficits, government intervention in private matters, cover ups, deceit, propaganda, whoring themselves out to corporations, taking the country to war based on lies. This is what the Bush administration is.

You really would have to be in complete denial or functionally retarded to support Bush and his policies which seems a fair description of the Bush supporters I've seen.

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