Friday, December 02, 2005

Roadside Bomb Kills 10 Marines in Iraq

(AP) BAGHDAD, Iraq - A roadside bomb killed 10 Marines and wounded 11 while they were on a foot patrol near Fallujah, the Marine Corps said Friday, in the deadliest attack on American troops in nearly four months.

Thank goodness the Bush administration secured Fallujah early on and that our Commander-in-Chief sent enough troops to secure that 380 tons of explosives at Al Qaqaa. Because if Bush just let that stuff get looted, Bush would have to be an idiot, right?

Tons of Iraq explosives missing
'Massive' facility also held large caches of artillery

(CNN) -- Some 380 tons of explosives powerful enough to detonate nuclear warheads are missing from a former Iraqi military facility that was supposed to be under American control, the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog agency says.

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