Friday, December 30, 2005

Bush Sure Does Take Care of the People...On His Payroll.

Ahmed Chalabi, after being trounced in the latest elections, has been appointed to head the Iraqi oil ministry.

A brief history for those who missed it.

1) Chalabi gave false information regarding WMDs that were a main component of the Bush case for war. All the information turned out to be false. Bush paid MILLIONS of tax dollars to get this MIS-information but it gave Bush what he needed to make a case for invasion. The MIS-information provided by Chalabi was used by Bush even though it was known to be false or at the very least was unproven.

2) Bush airlifted Chalabi and 800 of his followers into Iraq (he left Iraq decades earlier) just after the invasion. You may remember seeing Chalabi and his people in the staged photos the US took of Saddam's statue being pulled down.

3) Bush pushed for this guy to be Prime Minister of Iraq.

4) Bush asked the King of Jordan to pardon Chalabi (the guy who provided the fake WMD info) of fraud charges and a 22 year prison sentence. Chalabi fled Jordan in the trunk of a car to avoid prosecution.

5) Chalabi is appointed Deputy Oil Minister and then appointed Oil Minister...of Iraq. Second biggest oil reserves in the world. Nice work if you can get it.

If you have any ability to think, reason and use logic one can see that Chalabi is Bush's boy. Bought and paid for. Feel free to offer an alternate explanation as to how a man that never worked in oil, is a convicted felon, and hadn't even lived in Iraq for decades gets appointed Oil Minister if Bush didn't make it happen. Imagine, Chalabi LIES the United States into war and Bush REWARDS him.

Chalabi and Bush should be sharing a jail cell.

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