Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Soldier's Deaths Are Bush's Responsibility

From The Times Union:

Recent remarks from the White House and on various message boards have claimed that those with honest disagreement about the President's handling of the war in Iraq, and whether the United States belongs there at all, are somehow unpatriotic, that those that disagree with the administrations poor leadership are, in fact, aiding terrorism causing more of our young men and women to get blown up.

I must say I will NEVER feel responsible for these thousands of deaths, and will continue to point the finger at George Bush and his cronies who manipulated data to suit their already decided-upon goals, and who had, clearly, no plan on how to deal with the aftermath of the invasion that never should have happened.

I am reminded of this quotation: "Opposition to the war in this country is the single greatest weapon working against the U.S." This was Richard Nixon, in the mid-60s. Nixon was wrong about the Vietnam War and wrong about opposition to it, and so is George Bush today about HIS war, and so too is anyone who would suggest that patriotic Americans who think we have no business in Iraq (and never did) are responsible for the deaths of our soldiers.

Someone who does not want the soldiers to be in Iraq is certainly not responsible in any way for their deaths. If they weren't there, they wouldn't be dead. How about we point the finger at the "leaders" who lied and misled this country into putting soldiers into this unnecessary, foolish war in the first place?

1 comment:

Philanthropist said...

I agree, point the finger at Bush and his admin. However, they will never feel guilty for any deaths in the war. Leaders of major power countries throughout the last two thousand years of history have advocated war...for power, land, money and now its oil.