Friday, December 16, 2005

Bush Trying To Rewrite History AGAIN

From the AP:

"We are in Iraq today because our goal has always been more than the removal of brutal dictator," Bush said. "It is to leave a free and democratic Iraq in his place."

Umm maybe Dubya should review the tapes. We went into Iraq to remove the threat posed by WMDs and Iraq's working relationship with al Qaeda (neither of which existed at the time the US invaded). That's what Bush and his cronies gave as the rationale for invasion to the world, the media, the United Nations and the American public. The WMDs they said could hit the US. The ones that would cause a "mushroom cloud" in an American city. All lies.

To further illustrate the point:

"Our nation enters this conflict reluctantly -- yet, our purpose is sure. The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder."
-- President Bush, 3/19/03


HOST: "If the weapons [of mass destruction] had been out of the equation because the intelligence did not conclude that [Iraq] had them, it was still the right call [to invade]?"
BUSH: "Absolutely."
-- President Bush, on how the sole "purpose" of the Iraq war was actually irrelevant, 12/15/05

I'm not sure if Bush is the biggest failure I've ever seen or the biggest liar I've ever seen. Ahh heck, he's both.

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