Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Magic Word

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security."

--Ben Franklin

Since October 2001, the super-secret National Security Agency has monitored, without court-approved warrants, the international phone calls and e-mails of people inside the United States.

Apparently the Bush administration feels "terrorist" is a magic word that when spoken allows them to do any old thing they like regardless of how many rights or laws are violated.

If the government can just yell terrorist and do anything they want with no oversight (and completely ignore the laws of this nation) your rights and mine are GONE.

Anyone out there who somehow thinks Bush did nothing wrong here is out of their mind. The President in authorizing surveillance without seeking a court order has committed a crime. The Federal Communications Act criminalizes surveillance without a warrant. It is an impeachable offense.

Putting that aside, ask yourself: If someone accuses you of being a terrorist does that mean you support the idea that the government can just tap your phone without a warrant? What other rights will you be giving up? When they throw you in a hole for a few years without due process, falsely accusing you of being a terrorist, will that be OK too?

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