Thursday, November 17, 2005

The But But But Clinton Defense...

The GOP is STILL hiding behind Democrats and their illogic is incredible.

Anytime anyone points out a Bush administration lie, deception, blunder, or dishonest action some right-wing Rove-bot shows up with some meaningless out of context Clinton quote to try to justify the Bush administration lie, deception, blunder, or dishonest action. The Rove-bots do not ever address the substance of the remarks about the Bush administration they just fire off some irrelevant anti-Clinton propaganda point.

The funny thing is, what they are basically saying is sure the GOP and especially Bush are complete scumbags but here's a guy that is also allegedly a scumbag.

This is a defense??!!

That's like standing up in open court and saying "Yeah I murdered that woman but that guy you put in jail before me stole a candy bar. How does that guy live with himself stealing candy bars like that?".

Let's see:

GOP President ---------------- Check.
GOP Congress ----------------- Check.
GOP Supreme Court ------------ Check.

Yet somehow GOP apologists expect people to believe somehow Clinton and/or the Democrats are somehow to blame for a current situation.

What ever happened to that GOP talking point about "taking responsibility for one's own actions"? Pointing fingers at others does not absolve one from responsibility for his or her own actions. The few Bush supporters that are left seem to have forgotten that.

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