Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Last Two Weeks Were A Nightmare for the GOP

Their corruption and incompetence in ALL branches of government has been put on full display for all to see.

• The Republican majority leader, Bill Frist is under investigation for insider trading.

• The Republican majority leader in the House, Tom DeLay was forced to step down when he was indicted.

• Bush's poll numbers hit an all time low AGAIN (35%).

• Harriet Miers didn't meet the approval of the religious right enough she was forced to remove her nomination to the Supreme court and out of a position of weakness Bush was made to appoint a radical right wing activist judge to please the religious right.

• The Democrats called a closed session of congress to try to get the Republicans to FINALLY investigate whether the evidence to go to war with Iraq was hyped and manipulated. This investigation was promised TWO YEARS ago and they've done NOTHING because they are covering up for Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, etc who did indeed hype, manipulate and manufacture evidence to sell the war in Iraq.

• President Bush's main adviser, Karl Rove is still under investigation and is likely to soon lose his security clearance.

• Vice-President Dick Cheney's chief of staff Scooter Libby was indicted for obstruction of justice and perjury for lying to the grand jury and the FBI.

• Iraq is still a disaster with over 90 soldiers dying in October.

• A Senate investigation of lobbyist Jack Abramoff that has drawn attention to his ties to members of President Bush's inner circle of advisers opened.

• Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz admitted he can’t get the World Bank into Iraq because of bad post war planning. (oh the irony)

• It was reported that the CIA is hiding and interrogating Al Qaeda captives in covert, illegal prison systems.

• Vice-President Dick Cheney came out with a PRO-torture amendment. Is this the compassionate conservatism we hear so much about from our corporate media?

That covers most of far..that we know about. The GOP is taking on water and the 2006 elections are going to be another GOP nightmare.

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