Thursday, April 27, 2006

Before I was Just Pissed Off I'm offended.

Senate Republicans proposed a $100 rebate check for millions of taxpayers Thursday to counter high gasoline costs, but linked the assistance to drilling in an Alaska wildlife refuge, assuring the measure would face stiff opposition from most Democrats.

We still pay for high gasoline, except we'll pay for it through our income tax and deficit. This $100 for millions of people has to come from somewhere.

Now if you really think about it they are bribing you with your own money to allow the oil companies, that bribe them, to drill on public land. Oh and the oil companies that are gouging you don't have to cough up one red cent. And the GOP plan doesn't even go after wholesale gougers.

They must really think American voters are stupid...half of you did foolishly vote for maybe they have a point.

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