Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Most Who Voted For Bush in 2004 Were Actually Not ''Stupid''

I've actually given this phenomenon quite a bit of thought. Stupidity is just a small part of the reason for the election results in 2004. When people do strange and ridiculous things from my point of view I attempt to understand their point of view so I can answer the hardest of all questions "WHY?"

There is a fairly significant portion of the population that doesn't care about REAL issues that effect them (Jobs, economy, crime, immigration, fiscal responsibility, etc) and only care that gays can't get married and women can't get abortions (code named: "moral values"). To these "moral values" people, this is all that an election is: And it is both sad and tragic that these "moral values" people are so VERY concerned about such things that have NO EFFECT on their lives but virtually ignore the things that DO effect their lives. Once you understand that you start to understand 2004 a bit better. I wrote about it in my blog and if you check out polling report you can see the numbers.



There are some scary stupid people living in this country, there is no doubt, but there are even more of our fellow citizens that have their priorities so screwed up by religious dogma, willful ignorance, bigotry, generational voting habits, lack of intellectual curiosity, stubborn close-mindedness, uninformed selfishness, misinformed greed, black and white world views, or some combination of the above they vote against their own personal interests without ever a moment of reflection to re-evaluate their obviously bad choices.

If you ask someone why they voted for a candidate and you don't have to sit down to hear their answer because it is so short...they're very likely one of these "moral values" people and no matter what you say, no matter what evidence you give, no matter what irrefutable facts you give them you'll usually find you can't change their mind. Sometimes it's just the inability on some people's parts to admit a mistake or admit their own ignorance other times it's just because they don't care enough (apathy) about this county to try to do what is right for the country. It's ALWAYS worth trying to persuade them to try to re-examine their views but it can be as frustrating as Hell.


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