Monday, April 24, 2006

Fixing Illegal Immigration Is Easy

Put employers in jail for hiring illegals. Deport illegals one at a time as you catch them. No need to round up all 11-15 million all at once. Hire more folks as needed to catch offenders, use local law enforcement, IRS resources, Homeland Security and volunteers like the Minutemen. Impose heavy fines on any employer caught hiring illegals and make the law breaking employers pay the full price of deporting their illegal employees (on top of the fines) that way it won't cost the taxpayers (i.e. you and me) one red cent.

Also, put up rewards for turning these people in, paid out as a percentage of the mandatory fines collected from the employer. That should bring in bounty hunters which would easily remove the main offenders at little cost.

Also, no public assistance of any kind (except emergency medical care) without proper immigration papers. That includes putting children in public or private school. If emergency medical care is needed it should be granted but the medical staff should be required to verify citizenship within 24 hours for anyone not presenting a valid healthcare card. If the medical staff fails to do so they face fines and 30 days in jail for each violation. The hospital can verify your insurance within 24 hours so they should be able to verify legal status for those without insurance as well. It won't catch everyone but it will catch some.

Problem solved. No jobs, no illegals, no benefits for illegals, and no extra taxpayer dollars needed to fix the issue. It makes perfect sense and that's why the scum in Washington, D.C. will never do it.

Feel free to build fences if enough people think it's necessary with the $$$ produced from the fines. But if there are no jobs this problem is going to be very manageable with or without fences.

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