Thursday, April 13, 2006

Bush & GOP Obviously Have No Answers

The goal of the administration always seems to be to change the American public's perceptions of an issue, rather than to acknowledge reality and change what's actually happening. That is a sure sign these people have no answers to the problems that face this nation, they just don't give a damn, or both.

Iraq, Deficits, Medicare, Terrorism, Ports Deal, Bankruptcy Bill, Jobs, Katrina, Poverty, etc. etc. etc.

It's just one PR campaign after another, one failure after another. These people just don't want to deal with reality. Ignoring facts doesn't make them less true and the one fact that stands out most is Bush has failed to lead this nation in the right direction.

Ask yourself, in what way is the US better off today than before Bush and the GOP came to power?

Honestly, in what way?

Fiscally --- No, the government owes MUCH more money.

Foreign Relations --- No, most countries have a worse view of the US due to the torture, illegal wars, and arrogant US policies.

Environment --- No, Pollution controls have been weakened.

Healthcare --- No, we spend more than any other country in the world and by most measures we've fallen behind.

Border Security --- No, 11 to 15 million undocumented people walking around this country. The unsecured ports, chemical plants, and nuclear facilities compound this issue to one of poor safety and failed national security as well.

Wages --- No, real wages have declined.

Energy --- No, energy costs have skyrocketed.

Moral Values --- No, 81% of the people surveyed in a recent Gallup poll say things are getting worse.

Seriously how are we as a nation better off? What positive things have been achieved here with Bush and the GOP Congress? It looks to me like the GOP (you know the guys allegedly in charge) have FAILED the American people. The results and the 29% approval ratings speak for themselves.

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