Monday, April 10, 2006

An Interesting Question

I had someone ask today: Why is it that the media in the United States is so afraid of Bush?

This was in response to the fact I pointed out that the press sat on their ass for 2 months in regards to Libby telling people Cheney and Bush authorized him to leak information in regards to Plamegate.

I wrote about this in February but really nothing much was reported in the main stream media until April.

So my reply to his question of: Why is it that the media in the United States is so afraid of Bush?...

The main stream media actually isn't afraid of Bush. The main stream media is working with Bush. Take a look at who owns the main stream media. It's owned by a handful of very big, very rich and very powerful companies. (i.e. the big three TV networks ABC, NBC, and CBS are owned and operated by Disney, General Electric, and Viacom.) Every piece of major legislation put forth by Bush has HURT Main Street to HELP Wall Street. Bush IS the CORPORATE PRESIDENT. From the day he was elected he has ALWAYS put CORPORATE interests above those of "the people".

Corporations are getting huge benefits from having Bush in power so why would they turn the main stream media they own loose on him? Do you think it was a coincidence that Colin Powell's son was put in charge of the FCC and they immediately passed legislation removing limits on the amount of media one company can own in a market. The press is now "controlled" because there are a handful of corporation that own and control it whether anyone wants to acknowledge that or not.

For Instance: If the FACT that the NY Times knew well BEFORE the 2004 election that Bush was authorizing illegal warrantless wiretaps and sat on the story for A WHOLE YEAR before reporting it doesn't make one question who exactly it is the media is looking out for then there is really no help for that person.

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