Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Dust off the GOP Election Plan

There's an election coming up and it's the same old tired nonsense...

1) War Monger - We can't wait for a mushroom cloud with Iran.

Iran is NO THREAT and even thinking about a war with them is just plain foolishness. There's no money, no troops, and no support for such an action. Dubya used all his chips on Iraq and lost.

2) Divide by Fear - A bunch of brown people are going to take your job.

The GOP has been in control of the federal government for 10 years and it's been almost 5 years since 9/11 and they haven't done shit to control the ports and border but now that it's an election year, the GOP has approval ratings in the 20's and we're suddenly supposed to believe this is a priority for them...even after they went on vacation leaving the immigration bill to collect dust?

And let's face it, the immigration bill with amnesty and a guest worker program is a ridiculous piece of legislation that will ensure further wage erosion for AMERICANS and legal immigrants. Put employers in jail for hiring illegals and fine them heavily. Problem solved. If there are no jobs there will be no illegals.

3) Paint the Minority Party as Obstructionist - We can't get anything done because of the Democrats.

Having seen the results of the bad ideas Dubya and the GOP have gotten through (Energy Bill, Medicare Bill, Iraq, Deficits, etc.), anyone that can save America from GOP incompetence should be praised...

But let's face it folks the majority party (GOP) can do pretty much anything they want because they have the votes. The guys allegedly in charge (the GOP) blaming the minority party (Democrats) for the GOP's inability to govern effectively is just sad and ridiculous.

4) Support Nonsense Issues to Pander to the Right Wing Base

Let's not forget such "important" issues as flag burning and gay marriage being made the primary issues...yet an election year. The GOP has got to pander to that right wing base that NEVER gets what they're promised by the GOP but the right wing base keeps falling for the same trick every election. How many times can these people be lied to before they catch on?

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